Superior treatment of premium materials. Unique solutions for every project.


Polyston s.r.o. has been a market leader for 22 years, specializing in the production of atypical products from Polyston solid surface, KERGLASS, ceramics, granite, quartz, and solid wood. We work with well-known suppliers such as Neolith, Dekton, Saime, Gardenia Orchidea, Fondovalle, Sapientone, Atlas, Inalco, Technistone, Quarella a Silestone. Each order's complete preparation is extremely time-consuming and incomparable to the creation of other goods. Polyston s.r.o. is backed by a competent team with many years of experience, development, and advanced technology. We are one of the few firms that can boast the creation of our own product, Polyston Solid Surface, which has successfully penetrated the European market and is quickly establishing itself as a leader among our clients due to its meticulous attention to detail. In addition to our professional background, we provide comprehensive coverage of the entire service, from cost to focus, preparation, manufacturing, and assembly. Each of these processes is supported by a team of experts who will gladly assist you and offer technical guidance.

Take a look at our projects video of family house project


For us, quality and uniqueness are vital, which is why our goods are distinguished by superior processing of high-grade materials. For many years, we have been manufacturing kitchen worktops and integrated sinks, as well as wall, facade, and fireplace tilings.  We meet even the most stringent individual requirements of clients for a modern timeless interior with unusual production. Polyston creates iconic environments for banks, hotels, wellness centres, restaurants, and pubs. It also manufactures equipment for culinary facilities, labs, and outpatient clinics using hygienic materials.

polyston verejne priestory


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POLYSTON s.r.o. has been a leading manufacturer and supplier of worktops for kitchens, bathrooms, hospitals, labs, banks, restaurants, bars, and welcome desks in Central Europe since 1999. POLYSTON s.r.o. is the only Slovak firm with a comprehensive variety of worktop and tile materials, as well as materials developed in-house.Polyston Solid Surface is the material used to make washbasins and sinks. In addition to worktops, our product line also includes bar counters and dining tables. Learn more about our goods today, or contact us for a custom price quote.



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